International Digital Art Gallery
for the
22nd International Conference
on Information Visualisation
15th Conference Computer Graphics,
Imaging and Visualization

Labadie, John
Submitter’s note: The 4 works submitted are part of a larger series entitled “The Ambassadors”. This series deals with my responses to the political news of the day related to the activities of the “ambassadors” from the USA who represent the country internationally. The psychology, color schemes and compositions in these pieces record my understanding of how the activities of these “ambassadors” are reported in reliable news services internationally.
Submission Details #1
Title: “The Ambassadors-In Conference”
A short note on the aspect of the work: This is a Transmedia / Tradigital work. It was begun with traditional media (pencil, marker & color pencil), then moved to digital media through scanning, and then edited again with a variety of digital media tools to achieve the look and feel of the file submitted here. The image file has been developed to be moved toward a variety of presentations: printed, projected, animated, or viewed online.
Submission Details #2
Title: “The Ambassadors-In Public”
A short note on the aspect of the work: This is a Transmedia / Tradigital work. It was begun with traditional media (pencil, marker & color pencil), then moved to digital media through scanning, and then edited again with a variety of digital media tools to achieve the look and feel of the file submitted here. The image file has been developed to be moved toward a variety of presentations: printed, projected, animated, or viewed online.
Submission Details #3
Title: “The Ambassadors-In Debate”
A short note on the aspect of the work: This is a Transmedia / Tradigital work. It was begun with traditional media (pencil, marker & color pencil), then moved to digital media through scanning, and then edited again with a variety of digital media tools to achieve the look and feel of the file submitted here. The image file has been developed to be moved toward a variety of presentations: printed, projected, animated, or viewed online.
Submission Details #4
Title: “The Ambassadors-In Repose”
A short note on the aspect of the work: This is a Transmedia / Tradigital work. It was begun with traditional media (pencil, marker & color pencil), then moved to digital media through scanning, and then edited again with a variety of digital media tools to achieve the look and feel of the file submitted here. The image file has been developed to be moved toward a variety of presentations: printed, projected, animated, or viewed online.
Artists Statement
"My current artistic practice is deeply influenced by certain aspects of my historical work as an industrial engineer: statistical modeling and data visualization. I am traditionally trained as a visual artist in painting, photography and illustration. The subjects of my artwork are based on my research into how science defines and changes our world. My current art practice also involve various modes of digital studio that are seamlessly blended into or combined with traditional media. My artwork evolves into a variety of forms: installations, online works, animations, time-based works, large format prints,
and mixed media works. Sharply focused imagery and experimentation with technical processes are constant factors in my work."
Dr. John Antoine Labadie studied sculpture and painting at the Dayton Art Institute (1969-71), earned a bachelor’s degree in painting at University of Dayton (1973); a Master’s in perceptual psychology from Wright State University (1980); and an interdisciplinary Doctorate from the College of Design, Architecture Art & Planning at the University of Cincinnati (1993) in Cincinnati, Ohio USA. Labadie has held positions with the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Wright State University, Edison State College, Urbana University, the University of Dayton, the University of California San Diego, the University of Texas at Austin, Boston University and the University of North Carolina Pembroke.
Dr. Labadie has been a faculty member in the Art Department at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke since 1994 and is the founder of the Digital Arts program there. During the past 20 years Dr. Labadie’s art works have been exhibited in more than 600 national and international exhibitions and are held in numerous private and museum collections.
John Antoine Labadie has been board member and/or advisor for various international projects including: the International Digital Arts Association (Melbourne, Australia); the Academy of Electronic Arts (New Delhi, India); the International Association of Computer Graphics (St. Petersburg, Russia); the Museum of Computer Art (Brooklyn, New York); the Higher Education Teaching & Learning Association, (New York, New York USA). Dr. Labadie regularly serves an artist-in-residence or a visiting artist internationally. Labadie was a 2005-2006 Fulbright Senior Scholar in digital art for the "Center for Creativity and Innovation Studies" at National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan. Other significant professional activities include: National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan; Black Hills State University, Spearfish, South Dakota, USA; The National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India; Banasthali Vidyapith University in Jaipur, India; United States National Park Service in Del Rio, Texas, USA; National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung, Taiwan; Chung Yuan Christian University in Jhongli City, Taiwan; Taipei National University of the Arts in Beitou, Taiwan; Beijing Film Academy in Beijing, China; Fo Guang University in Yilan, Taiwan; Nanjing Normal University in Nanjing, China; City University of Hong Kong, China; Kanpur University in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India; Troy University in Troy Alabama, USA; Lucknow University in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India; and Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany & The Jaipur Art Summit, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.