International Digital Art Gallery
for the
22nd International Conference
on Information Visualisation
15th Conference Computer Graphics,
Imaging and Visualization

Nalven, Joe
How does one translate a central theme in traditional text into an image? What if the text has been interpreted many times? What if contemporary mindsets present a blinder to the original? Was Eve Adam’s first wife or was it Lilith? What would Eve and Lilith’s conversation be like if we could visualize those moments? Maybe those moments would be a dance rather than a gurgle of words – the more so since our wording of the world has been relatively recent. The kaleidoscope of presentations might include a video [ ] or perhaps a still image on paper or an image integrated with fused glass. How unfair that we artists conjure these many frames and yet we present only one from the multitude.
Of late, I’ve been integrating my images with fused glass. If printed directly on the glass before the texture glass was fired, the digital print would burn off. So, I created the fused glass with the target image immediately below that surface. After firing the glass object (without the image), and after it cooled, I printed the image on the back of the glass object on a flatbed printer. From there, the object is best viewed in a light box. Here, I’ve transferred the image back into a 2D print for the audience to approximate a view of the thing-in-itself.