International Digital Art Gallery
for the
22nd International Conference
on Information Visualisation
15th Conference Computer Graphics,
Imaging and Visualization

Hettinga, Maria
"I created this image in response to seeing high resolution aerial photography from various locations around the globe. Seeing the Earth from the sky inspires me with awe. For this reason I almost always choose the window seat on an airplane. I'm captivated by the variety and complexity of color and texture on the surface of our planet.
"Glaciers, rivers, terraced hills, cultivated fields, paved roads, rugged coastlines, clusters of buildings, and vehicles suggest motion and vitality. They echo the mechanisms, pathways and shapes found in the human body, when viewed on microscopic and macroscopic levels.
"I'm fascinated by the role that technology plays in our perspectives. Consider that the source photographs were captured by high resolution cameras attached to airplanes that hovered thousands of feet above the ground. This is a perspective that our ancestors could only dream of.
"After reflecting on the source photographs, I was inspired to use Photoshop to combine multiple photographs into one image. I see an abstract form of a woman in motion. Some people see her arms flexed above her head--stretching, as if waking up from a nap. Others see her dancing. What do you see?"