International Digital Art Gallery
for the
22nd International Conference
on Information Visualisation
15th Conference Computer Graphics,
Imaging and Visualization

Soban, Bogden
The Aspects of My Work
I continue to work on my proper SW in order to achieve unusual graphics images which can’t be comparable with products of commercial graphics programs. Inside my program algorithms I try to apply my own ideas and new programming methodologies combined with different mathematical theorem. Produced images sometimes show their mathematical provenience (symmetrical shapes for example), but some of them hide the influence of mathematic and appear as typical abstract works of art. To create attached works I have used programming algorithms based on polar coordinates and Fibonacci numbers. To create basic symmetrical shape there were used some formulas where polar coordinates of current pixel were used as a variables. The Fibonacci numbers were used to create coloring palette as the source of colors.
Born in Slovenia (EU) in the year 1949, graduated in mechanical engineering in 1974 and work nearly the whole carrier in the field of informatics. Actually pensioned and work as freelance generative artist. My generative art project was born in 1983 when one of the first home computer was accessible. My first computer programs “produced” geometrical abstraction. Step by step I have improved my experiences and now some of my works don’t show their computer origin any more. I introduce different programming approaches developing my SW pursue the objective to be different from others.